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Sonntag, 18. März 2012

Final meeting

11 March – 17 March 2012,


We were warmly welcomed by Bernadette and our hosts. Students spent their day with their host families. In the evening teachers, hosts and all partners had a lavish welcome dinner at Restaurant Bergbos. It was a precious opportunity to meet all the lovely and enthusiastic people taking part in the project.

Welcome dinner with our hosts and partners :-)


In the morning after being welcomed by headmaster of HHS all the delegations presented themselves. After that students and teachers spread to 5 lectures on different issues. All the lectures were engaging and thought- provoking.
In the afternoon the group visited Breendonk National Memorial. That was a moving event where we could experience the cruel, humiliating, shocking circumstances of this concentration camp. The stories we were told by the guides and the spots we visited had a deep impact on all of us. We all felt devastated. Everbody had to realize how precious PEACE, FREEDOM and FRIENDSHIP are!

The barracks

The ’bedrooms’

Breendonk National Memorial


That was the day of nature, sport and teambuilding in the Ardennes. Students had a very exciting day at the Adrenaline Park in Comblain-la-Tour with Peter Lamberts while teachers could visit the caves of Remouchamps and could explore the geographical features of the Ardennes. Philippe Kemp guided us with  his excellent expertise. In spite of cold weather both teachers and students had a very good time there.

Bernadette – organizing the trip to the Ardennes

German and Hungarian friends :-)

Remouchamps Grottes

Remouchamps Grottes

We are in the same boat…


We spent a pleasant day in Antwerp. An excellent guide showed us around Bonaparte dock, the impressive building of the MAS and the marvellous historical centre of the city. We saw the masterpieces of Rubens at the Cathedral.

Sightseeing in Antwerp

The Norwegian team at the MAS

In Antwerp

The Hungarian students

In the evening a fantastic pasta meal was offered to hosts and guests by Jan de Bie. After dinner Bernadette organized the Market of the nations where each delegation could promote their homeland by presenting local products. Meanwhile students could participate in an exciting circus training.

Market of the nations

The Norwegian stall

The Ischian stall

The Berlin stall

La Spezia stall


We visited the European Parliament and NATO Headquarters in Brussels. We could learn a lot about both institutions and their roles and missions in the fields of peace and stability of Europe by listening to lectures given by the ambassadors of Hungary, Italy and Norway.

In Brussels

Visit to the European Parliament


Friday was the Day of creation. The students were divided into two groups and with the guidance of Dieter Dresselaers they were asked to create a piece of art. The theme of the painting was: The kiss by Gustav Klimmt, since 2012 is a Klimmt year. In one room they painted the woman with circular shapes while in the other room they painted the man with rectangular shapes. This workshop was an excellent opportunity for cooperation!The masterpiece was displayed at the Town Hall.

Dieter Dresselaers

Creating a masterpiece

Creating the Man

The Hungarian part

The Italian part

Then in the afternoon students prepared their essays about their experiences and feelings during the Final meeting in Heist-op-den-Berg. They had a lot to write about this memorable week of peace and friendship.

Students engaged in writing their report

Anikó and Edit- enjoying tranquility at HHS

After having written the reports the whole group walked to the Town Hall where each delegation gave a performance to express their gratitude to the official organizers of the Final meeting. The group was offered an official reception by Lord Mayor Luc Vleugels and other members of local authorities. During this closing ceremony students and all participants were given their certificates.

At the Town Hall

Hungarian folk dance

Gyöngyi – the choreographer – and the six of us

Belgian and Hungarian friends :-)

Spring sunshine In Heist-op-den-Berg

The last evening Bernadette organized a very special Flamish evening for the teachers, hosts and partners at Restaurant Hof van Riemen. That was a good opportunity for us to exchange ideas about our experiences during the week.

Farewell dinner

Travelling home
We had an unforgettable week in Belgium. This week had an immense effect on our students' personality: a brand new world has opened up for them in which they could experience the similarities of their peers from all over Europe. They have made friends with  a lot of students and on Facebook they are sharing photos and comments on their experiences and they are planning their next meeting. This week was an excellent opportunity for communication as well. It is unbelievable how enthusiastic our students have become about talking in English!

We all felt very sorry that this successful project had to come to its end.
Finally, we must express our gratitude to Bernadette for her devoted care and exceptional coordinating work done all through the unbelievably busy week of the Final meeting and the whole project!!!

17.03.2012 Törökbálint
 Edit Báderné Wilhelm  - on behalf of the Hungarian Team

Samstag, 17. März 2012

Comenius baby

Hi friends!
Lars is a happy papa. Linn is born at the 2nd March 2012, 10:10 a.m., 3200g and 52 cm.